Jung starts by pointing out significance of tantric yoga, which seeks an equal interchange between male and female energies. In the west, tantric yoga is often misunderstood to be about sex. Jung refers to tantric yoga as mandala (circle) psychology. An example he gives is how patients often seek to unite with their inner child and it’s uninfluenced development.
The Sanskrit term “klesa” is translated to dividing/separation/discrimination. Jung points out that in it’s purity, we have a seed or germ of personality that ideally seeks to grow in it’s own form because of the urge of realization (entelechia). However this has paradoxical relationships to the “participation mystique” in which we seek to interact with others. Eastern culture distinguishes different aspects to the word “klesa” which are: sthula (physical, literal), suksma (conceptual, platonic, personality, wisdom), and para (metaphysical). The western urge for individualism/dividing can also be because of fear or hatred. Greek mythology has an in-between view and recognizes phobos and eros (hate and love) for dividing versus integration.
Jung proceeds by introducing “samskara”, a word that the West does not have language for to describe. Perhaps the closest concept is the unconscious mind, a creative fantasy with a rich world of archetypal images.
In the West we that moving to the sub-conscious (*) is going downward, which is opposite from going upward as seen in the East. The muladhara or root chakra is best described by earth. It’s the entanglement of our personal life that we have responsibilities to and can’t get away from. The second chakra, svatistana is best described by water. It’s the rebirth and baptism of new life associated with the moon or female energy. Jung points out that really it’s about the challenges of moving from the root chakra to the next chakra svatistana. Being re-born, moving from earth to water. Jung points out that there is no sense in taking these eastern concepts too literal or logical because you likely will go nuts.
In Kundalini, sleeping beauty or creative energy rests at the base of the spine. The serpent has to aroused to move the Kundalini energy up from the base of the spine to the next chakra, the svatistana. The serpant is only aroused by a purified spirit with a spark that is superior to the will. Kundalini makes you go on great adventures, but once in motion you have to face the music and you can’t go back.
It’s a divine urge, the second chakra is associated with the moon, it receives the souls of the death and rebirths them passing them by passing them on to the sun. Moving up from the second to the manipura and anahatha chakras.
(*) One way of thinking about moving to the sub-consciousness is described in Jim Morrisson in his song “breaking on through to the other side”.
An Ugly America
2 months ago
Thank you for the resource.